Thursday, March 25, 2010

Say "Less" to Sugar

I attribute at least some of the weight loss progress I'm making to watching my sugar intake. I try to eat things that are low in refined sugar. I also stay away from high fructose corn syrup (and derivatives) as well.

This morning I ran across this post on the Sugar Content of Common Food Products.  About the only thing on that list that is even close to being in my repertoire is the Tropicana orange juice. I don't have it often but it is in my refrigerator and my son and daughter drink it.

I drink at least 4 oz of V8 Fusion every day. It has no added sugar or high fructose corn syrup but the sugar content per 8 oz is a whopping 26 grams! Perhaps I'll switch to the "light" version which only has 10 grams of sugar per 8 oz serving . The "light" version only has 50 calories instead of 110. Bonus!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mini Milestone

317 I'm not but the scale provided a nice way-point this morning. I've lost a total of 25 lbs. now - I hit 326 today! Perhaps I'll call it Weigh-in-Wednesday and just keep track and post my weight - gain or loss - each week.

As an added progress marker, I tried on some of my size 42 pants the other day. They went on fine and did not bind when sitting or squatting. I'll look forward to having an expanded wardrobe this spring.