Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Seeing Myself

I've arrived at a point in the journey that I've been after for nearly a year now. My first post was on March 22, 2009. At that point I weighed 351 lbs. Since then I've read, researched, walked, gone without food, counted calories, logged what I eat, given up, started over and more. Through all of that I've had a single initial objective - I wanted to see my weight on my home scale.

There have been a number of "almost" moments, only to discover that my heals or toes or sides of my feet were off the scale. As a result I've taken to weighing myself 3 or 4 times in a row just to check that I'm not getting a false reading. I've tried to limit my weight check to once or twice per week so I don't get to fixated on it. 

For nearly a year the scale has said "E" - too much weight. Well today is said 330, 329, 330, 330, 329. No matter how I stood or where I put the scale it never said "E"! I have to tell you that I smiled and despite the rough day at work, I kept on smiling! I'd finally hit my initial objective - I see myself, as I am and can measure change. 

Now, I have no idea where I was weight-wise when I restarted this time, but I know where I was when I first started and that was 351 lbs. I'm at 330 now - so put me down for 21 pounds.

I need another objective now, besides just staying below 330. I'm not sure what it'll be yet - I'm still thinking about it. I want it to be achievable but far enough out there that it'll be challenging to get to. My initial thoughts are:
  • 309, basically another 21 lbs (would be a good theme, another 21)
  • 300, a nice "round" number
  • some non-weight target, like see how far I can get in 6 weeks (probably too much pressure)
  • below 317 - the lowest weight I've been at in the last 3-4 years (I'm liking this one).
The below 317 is interesting - it's personal, has no time limit and since I can now track weight gain/loss I can see how long it takes to get there. Humm..

I do want to remind myself of a few things:
  • I'm still eating what I enjoy/like, just less of it (hot dogs, tacos, burgers, meat loaf)
  • I've changed a lot at once - quantity, timing of types (1 meat, 1 pasta, etc)
  • I'm eating some new things - sardines/fish, avocados, green tea
  • I'm eating healthy things - lots more fruits and veggies
  • I'm conscious about my sugar intake - sweets are limited, but still enjoyable (and home made)
  • My alcohol consumption is way down.
This is the path that I've wanted - better diet but I can still eat the things I like, e.g. hot dogs, pizza, meat loaf, etc. I just don't eat them all in the same week and week after week. I'm eating them spread out over time. I see my biggest change as eating less red meat - 1 time per week as a main dish. And now that it's getting warmer, it's time to start walking again.