Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is It The Sugar?

While looking up "blood sugar control", I ran across a number of articles that listed either foods to avoid or include in order to help with blood sugar levels. A suprising number of them were on the list in one way or another, e.g:

  • herbal tea (Green Tea)
  • lots of fiber (whole grains, fruits, veggies)
  • limited alcohol intake
  • limited pasta
  • and on and on

 I do know that when I tried the Atkins diet, sugar intake was limited and that I did loose a bunch of weight on it. Trouble was, I couldn't stay on it and it was harder to get my entire family to buy into it. I wonder if AB's list are an attempt to limit sugar intake? I bet cutting back on sugar intake would be more do-able from a family standpoint than a super restrictive Atkins diet. Adding more fiber (either through supliments and/or natural whole grains) would be easier too. Humm.....

List Progress

I've been trying to introduce AB's "4 lists" into my daily diet. Not all at once mind you but as I discover how they can fit in. The smoothie was pretty easy and fit right in with my eating habits - quick breakfast fare for the work week.

Beyond the smoothie, eating greens every day is pretty easy since I enjoy salads. They are available from a "made to order" shop where I work. I can get them with a variety of add ons - carrots, cucumbers, almonds, etc. and have that for lunch. 

I also decided to tackle the "at least 3 time per week oily fish" item. AB suggested sardines and some web surfing shows them to be good for you. However, I'm not a sardines fan. Still, I figured I'd try adding it to the salad and see how I felt about it. I started off adding 1/2 a can and just today managed to dump in a full can (less the oil) int the salad. Between the lime vinaigrette dressing, the add-ons and the romaine lettuce, I don't notice the fishy taste to much. Truth be told, they are not that bad. I figure at least 3 times per week I can eat a full can in a salad for lunch.

I think I'll tackle the yogurt part next. Since I like to snack in the late evening and like something creamy and sweet perhaps that'll work vs. a bowl of cold cereal or a snack cake.