Monday, April 27, 2009

Break Time

As you can tell by the lack of posts I've been away. Took a trip down to see my mom. I felt I did OK while I was away, although it's hard to resist her cooking, especially the pies. Only once or twice during the week did I really eat a lot - once when we had a pork roast and the other when we went out to eat. Other than that I ate 3 times per day and then only when I was at a full level of 4 or less.

I drove and usually that means snacking. This time, however, I didn't bring many snacks in the car. 1 single can of pringles and a 6 pack of cheese doodles. The cheese doodles were the individual service sizes and it took me 4 travel days to eat all of them. Not bad.

We worked outside in the yard a lot getting her flower beds ready for spring. Lots of mulching, planting and moving thing around. I probably got more exercise that I usually do.

I'll be back to the food logging and reading going forward.